Leitmotiv Alaggio-LMA24

Collage using images of flatbedtractor-trailers, plants, figurines, lights and amplifies with cables and straps.
TandemPixie LDII
Leitmotiv Alaggio, 2024-LMA24-2024
One of a kind alta fabbricazione
Archival pigment monoprint on Epson Hot Press Bright 350 gsm acid-free 100% cotton rag finish paper
48 x 24 inches
Collage using images of flatbedtractor-trailers, plants, figurines, lights and amplifies with cables and straps.
TercetGnome FBIV
Leitmotiv Alaggio, 2024-LMA24-2024
One of a kind alta fabbricazione
Archival pigment monoprint on Epson Hot Press Bright 350 gsm acid-free 100% cotton rag finish paper
48 x 24 inches
Collage using images of flatbedtractor-trailers, plants, figurines, lights and amplifies with cables and straps.
TriAxleSprite DDIII
Leitmotiv Alaggio, 2024-LMA24-2024
One of a kind alta fabbricazione
Archival pigment monoprint on Epson Hot Press Bright 350 gsm acid-free 100% cotton rag finish paper
48 x 24 inches
Collage using images of flatbedtractor-trailers, plants, figurines, lights and amplifies with cables and straps.
QuadDuende QSII
Leitmotiv Alaggio, 2024-LMA24-2024
One of a kind alta fabbricazione
Archival pigment monoprint on Epson Hot Press Bright 350 gsm acid-free 100% cotton rag finish paper
48 x 24 inches
Collage using images of flatbedtractor-trailers, plants, figurines, lights and amplifies with cables and straps.
ErlkingDual TDV
Leitmotiv Alaggio, 2024-LMA24-2024
One of a kind alta fabbricazione
Archival pigment monoprint on Epson Hot Press Bright 350 gsm acid-free 100% cotton rag finish paper
48 x 24 inches

Leitmotiv Alaggio-LMA24

Taller de Harrington is excited to share new innovations with a future-focus on safety and efficiency. The new Alaggio series smart trailer system now comes standard and features ABS fault code alerts. Giving savvy art collectors informed data for efficient display with increased productivity and uptime.